“Backtrack Jack” – Synopsis

By Evan Hundhausen

Jack is a miserable man in his 40s.  One day he walks by his childhood home in New Jersey and it’s been condemned.  Holed up inside illegally is a scientist because underneath the house’s foundation is an“alien” substance he’s discovered and experiments with on mice.  Having an argument with his wife the scientist accidenally spills the liquid out the window where it lands unexpectedly on Jack who goes back in time to the 1990s.

Arriving in the 90s Jack becomes a bum, but later meets a man and his sister who give him a job with their cleaning company.  One day Jack stops by his old high school and finds his younger self throwing discuss at the track.  He gives advice about throwing discuss and his younger self gets first place in a meet.  Jack then decides to infiltrate his younger self’s life to keep giving him advice, but a psychiatrist he visits gets in his way labeling Jack “crazy” and locking him away,  Then Jack unexpectedly travels back to the present and confronts the scientist who quickly becomes Jack’s only ally and sets to send Jack back to the 90s to help his younger self some more.